People lose their tooth either by accident, or it may fall off naturally due to age. However, technology has developed over the years that it now allows people who have lost their teeth to use an artificial to cover them up.
Dentures are artificial teeth worn by people as a replacement for their missing tooth so that they can have the good look, confidence and smiles that they desire. Dentures are produced from metals or plastic (acrylic) materials.
Dentures can either be partial or complete — the complete or full dentures are used as a replacement for all the teeth on the upper or lower jaw which were lost.
The partial denture is used to fill the gaps created by a missing or lost tooth — it can be held to your natural teeth, precision attachments or metal clips.
Full dentures should be worn by people who have lost all their teeth in either the upper or lower jaw. This denture is usually fitted snugly over the gums and can aid the patient to speak in a clear manner, eat well and have better confidence and self-esteem.
A partial denture is only used when the patient has lost just a few teeth and still has some teeth left. This type of dentures is usually stuck to the remaining teeth so that the gap can be filled. People who have gaps in between their teeth may realise that their teeth has moved to cover some of the gaps thereby causing the teeth to become somehow tilted and crooked. This can exert an effect on the way they bite and it could cause damage to their teeth.
You can have your dentures fitted for you immediately after your damaged tooth has been removed — these dentures are usually called immediate dentures. But before these dentures can be fitted, you must have met your dentist and had the measurement and impressions of your mouth taken before your dentures are made.
Immediate dentures provide you with teeth even while your gum is still healing —it would definitely be awkward to be seen without teeth after all. Immediate dentures usually get changed or relined after about 6 months because your gums and bones will shrink within this period after your teeth have been removed. Immediately you notice your gum has shrunk and your immediate dentures do not fit perfectly again, visit your dentist for it to be adjusted, relined or even replaced.
Depending on your case, you may be advised to allow your gums to heal before going for dentures. This will give you an opportunity to have better fitting dentures, but it is good you know that the gums may take several months to be completely healed.
Dentures are always made and fitted by the dentist. Before your dentures will be produced, your dentist will have to take the measurements, impressions of your mouth and then send the impression to a dental technician to get your dentures ready.
Dentures do not add much difference to your face, but full dentures help you look better than you would have if you did not have them. The teeth act as a support to the face and without them, you will realise that your face sags and you look older than you truly are. Without your teeth, you will not even be able to eat and speak well.
Dentures are closely designed to be exactly like your natural teeth so that you will not have to suffer a too noticeable change in your appearance. With modern dentures, you may have your look and smile enhanced, and even the appearance of your face will be filled out.
It takes practise to be able to pronounce certain words while wearing dentures. But if you keep reading out and repeating the words, you find difficult you will find out in time that you will get used to them.
Dentures usually slip out of their places —this mostly happens when the wearer smiles, laughs, or coughs. They can easily be repositioned by biting down gently and swallowing. However, if you have so much of this happening, visit your dentist so it can be properly fitted in for you.
Yes, you can eat with dentures, but you will need to practice a bit before getting used to it. Ensure the food you start with is soft and is cut into smaller pieces. Chew slowly on the two sides of your mouth so that the dentures will stay in place. When you start getting used to your dentures, you can proceed to other foods until you can comfortable to have your normal meals again.
Dentures should be worn most of the time at first even when you are sleeping, but when you start getting used to them, you can start taking them off before sleeping at night. Doing this will help your gums find rest, and it will help your mouth stay healthy. Dentures can warp when taken out to stay overnight. However, this can be prevented by storing them in a small amount of water until the next morning.
The dentures for the upper jaw are produced with more suction to help it stay in place. This is not so for the lower jaw. The lower jaw has a lesser amount of gum support for the dentures so they may feel loose because it is fitted to create a balance between your tongue and cheeks.
It will take some time before you will become comfortable with your dentures. You will have to learn how to make it stay in its place even when you are opening your mouth really wide.
There should not be a need for denture fixative since your dentures are customised just for you and should fit perfectly with your mouth. Denture fixatives can however still be used by people so that they can have extra confidence that the dentures will not fall out of place. Those whose dentures have become loose can use the fixative to hold it in place before the dentures get replaced.
Where dentures are not fitted properly, it may cause the wearer to be irritated or have some sores. This is more common when immediate dentures have been worn for a while.
Cleaning the mouth is very important even when you are using full dentures. Using a soft brush, you should take out time to brush your tongue, gums and the roof of your mouth. This will improve the circulation of blood in your mouth and help keep the plaques away.
If you are wearing partial dentures, it is even more important to take good care of your mouth as you may have tooth decay and gum disease if you do not. This can make you lose more teeth than you already have. Get your dentist to refer you to a hygienist who will help you clean your remaining natural teeth regularly.
Want more tips on how to care for your dentures? Do visit The Harley Street Dentist on Harley Street, London. Want to book an appointment? Then place a call to us on 02071830903 today.
Dentures can be broken if they are dropped carelessly. You are advised to clean your dentures with a bowl of water and a neatly folded towel if they are dropped mistakenly.
There are some guidelines to be considered while cleaning your dentures. These guidelines are:
It is important to brush over the surface of the dentures, even the one that fits against your gums especially if you are using a denture fixative of any kind.
You will be provided with a denture cleaning solution, do ensure you get your dentures soaked in the denture cleaning solution daily so that plaques and stains that may have gotten on them during use can be removed —this will help keep your dentures fresh and germ-free because of the antiseptic properties of the denture-cleaning solution. Do not fail to follow the manufacturer’s instructions while maintaining your dentures. If you realise your dentures are beginning to have a build-up of scale or stains, ensure to take it to your dentist for proper cleaning.
Dentures can last for many years if they are well maintained and handled. However, you may need to get your dentures renewed or relined because the shape of your mouth may change and your bones, gums may shrink. Wearing ill-fitted dentures can be uncomfortable and may lead to sores and infections. Always ensure your dentures are relined or renewed if they no longer fit perfectly.
While wearing dentures, it is important for you to keep up with your regular dental check-ups so that your teeth can be cleaned professionally and your gums can be examined. During the regular visits, your dentist will examine your tongue, cheeks and the other parts of your mouth to be sure that there are no infections, mouth diseases or the early stages of cancer.
If you are wearing full dentures, you should get your dentist to give you a follow-up schedule so that you can have access to professional care even after your fitting.
Yes, dentures are not the only replacements for lost teeth. You can have dental implants and bridges as other available options.
You can visit The Harley Street Dentist to get your dentures, customised and fitted for you. Call us on 02071830903 to book an appointment or make further inquiries.
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