Fixed Braces

Fixed / Metal Braces

Braces have been in existence for several decades, and they are commonly known as conventional\ braces —It is one of the most popular types of braces, and the orthodontist widely recommends it. One distinguishing feature of this metal braces is the use of metal brackets in addition to wires and elastics.

Traditional braces are extremely versatile. Unlike the more modern brace systems which are somewhat limited; the brackets of conventional fixed/metal offer several different ways for your teeth to be properly repositioned and straightened.

What Orthodontic Problem Can Metal Braces Treat?

Most of the common, and not so common, a dental problem can be corrected using fixed or metal braces. Some of these problems include:

  • Problems of occlusion
  • Diastema, or gaps between teeth
  • Crooked tooth; which can result from issues of overcrowding in the mouth.
  • Overbites and underbites; where the upper front teeth sit too far forward over the lower front teeth, and the reverse for underbite
  • Open bites; where the teeth at the front of the mouth are unable to impede, and even with the back teeth touching, they are still unable to bite together.
  • Crossbites, a dental issue where a part of your upper teeth bite inside your lower teeth

Contact the Harley Street Dentist if you need any help with any of the above problems in London. You can visit us on Harley Street, London or give us a call on 02071830903 to book an appointment.

Why Should You Choose Fixed Or Metal Braces?

There are numerous benefits to convince you to pick a fixed or metal brace; some of the benefits include:

  • Fixed braces are as their name suggest, fixed, so they stay continuous in your mouth as they straighten your teeth, and you have no reason to take off the aligners to clean your teeth or forget where you last left them.
  • Because of the efficiency and versatility of their brackets, treatment with fixed metal braces ensures that your teeth are accurately straightened, making metal braces one of the most effective orthodontic treatment with braces.

What Are The Drawbacks To Using Fixed Metal Braces?

  • For most people, wearing a fixed brace constantly is inconvenient given the amount of metal that shows off in their teeth when they smile or talk.
  • Fixed braces can press against the inside of your cheeks, causing them to become sore.
  • The wires and elastics fitted to fixed braces make them more troubling than other modern braces.
  • Cleaning the surfaces and edges of fixed braces require much time and care, and much more attention than other available options.

Step-By-Step Process For Fixed Or Metal Braces

  • A consultation is the first step to having metal braces fitted for you. You can visit the Harley Street Dentist in Harley Street, London or call us on 02071830903 to book an appointment.
  • A physical exam will be carried out by your dentist. Detailed X-ray photos and impressions will be taken of your teeth.
  • At your next visit, your teeth will be properly cleaned, and special glue will be used in bonding your brackets into their proper positions. The wires, elastics, and other additional metal parts needed to move your teeth into place will be attached to the bracket next.
  • Regular dental visits will have to be scheduled once your braces have been fixed. During these visits, the progress of your treatment with be assessed, and all necessary adjustments will be made by your dentist.
  • Your braces are not removable and will remain fixed in their proper position throughout your treatment. At the end of your treatment, a retainer will be prescribed for you once the braces have been taken off. Your retainers will ensure your teeth do not shift but remain in their new position.

Do Fixed Or Metal Braces Hurt?

The treatment is painless, but after your braces have been fixed, you could experience a toothache and a slight pain inside your cheeks for the first couple of days. As your teeth adjust and their roots are set into their new positions —you may also experience your teeth becoming loose and tender. Your dentist can prescribe you some painkillers, or you can buy some at the pharmacy, to deal with these issues. Our dental experts also recommend a soft diet. You can also pad the insides of your cheeks and lips with a piece of orthodontic wax, to provide a cushion when parts of your metal braces dig into it.

How Long Does Treatment Take?

The longevity of your dental treatment will depend on several conditions, including how much you want your teeth to move —your dentist can better explain this process to you. Most people keep their braces on for a year, and sometimes even longer. Some others wear their fixed braces for almost three years.

How Can You Clean Your Teeth And Braces?

Your dentist will provide advice and detailed instructions on the proper way of cleaning your teeth and new braces. However, below are some guidelines as to how to effectively clean your teeth and metal braces:

  • Brush your teeth after every meal
  • Ensure you change your toothbrush regularly
  • Use interdental brushes or floss threaders to ensure the spaces between the brackets and your teeth are properly cleaned
  • Use fluoride toothpaste in brushing

Book an appointment with the Harley Street Dentist today by contacting us on 020 71830903 —if you need an experienced dentist to have your metal braces fixed. Also, you can visit us on Harley Street, London.

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