Receding Gums

Receding Gums Treatment in London

Gum recession is the gradual deterioration or cutting of the gum tissue located around the teeth, revealing more of the tooth or the root. When gum recession happens, pockets or spaces are created between the teeth and gum region, which ensures easy accumulation of disease-causing bacteria. If the necessary treatment is not carried out, the supporting tissue and jawbones of the teeth can be badly affected, thereby causing your tooth to fall off.

Gum recession is a well known dental issue. On many occasions, most individuals don’t realise they possess a gum recession because it happens slowly over time. The initial symptom of gum recession is mostly tooth sensitivity, or you may find out that your tooth has increased in length. Often, you’ll experience a slight pain close to your gum line.

Gum recession should not be treated lightly. Whenever you notice your gums are deteriorating, endeavour to see your dentist. There are medical procedures that can be conducted to rectify the gum and protect you from serious health complications.

Get in touch with the Harley Street Dentist whenever you develop a gum recessionto book an appointment.

Why Do Gums Recede?

Various reasons can result inthe receding of your gums, including:

  • Periodontal diseases: These are known types of bacterial gum infections that damage the gum tissue and jaw bone—it holds your teeth in a steady position. Gum disease is a major factor that results in your gum receding.
  • Your genes: Often, some individuals are more prone to gum disease than the others. Research has revealed that 30% of the population aremore likely to experiencegum disease, nomatter how much they maintain their teeth.
  • Aggressive tooth brushing: Whenever you exert too much force when brushing your teeth or yougo about itwrongly, it can result in thedeteriorating of the enamel on your teeth, causingyour gums torecede.
  • Insufficient dental care: Incomplete brushing, flossing, and rinsing your mouth using an antibacterial solution makes it lessdifficult for plaque to change to calculus, which is a strongsubstance that accumulates in the spaces between your teeth and can only be eliminated by an expert dental cleaning. This can, in turn, result in gum recession.
  • Hormonal changes: Constant change in the hormone levels of a woman in the course of her life, like duringpuberty, pregnancy, and menopause, can cause her gums to be more sensitive and prone to gum recession.
  • Tobacco product:. People that consume tobacco are bound to get sticky plaque on their teeth that is hard to get rid of, which result in gum recession.
  • Teeth grinding or clenching: Clenching or grinding your teeth can exert too much pressure on the teeth, resultingin receding gums.
  • Broken teeth or a misaligned bite: When teeth do not align properly, too much pressure can be exerted on the gums and bone, causing the gums to pull away.
  • Puncturing of the lip or tongue: Jewelry can disturb the gums to an extent where the gum starts to deteriorate.

How Is Gum Recession Treated?

Your dentist can handle minor gum recession by carryingout deepcleaning of the affected point. In the course of the cleaning, also known as tooth scaling and root planing, the plaque and tartar that has accumulated on the teeth and root surfaces beneath the gum margin are expelled with care, and the revealedpart of the rootis filled toprevent bacteria from entering.Antibiotics may also be administered to eliminate any harmful bacteria still present.

If your gum recession cannot be cured usingdeep cleaning asa result of not enough bone andpockets that are largelydeep, itwill be advisable to undergo a surgical operation on your gum to rectify the problemscaused by gum recession.

For additional information on the suitable treatment for gum recession, you can send us a mail.

Surgery Methods Used To Treat Gum Recession

Open flap scaling and root planing: Inthe course of this surgicaloperation, the dentist or periodontist (gum doctor) rolls the affected gum tissuebackwards, extracts the infectious bacteria from the pockets, and carefullydressesthe gum tissue in positionto cover the tooth root, thereby getting rid of the pockets or minimising it.

Regeneration: If the bone holding your teeth firmly has been severely damaged due to gum recession, anoperation to regenerate missing bone and tissue may be advised. Just like in pocket depth reduction, your dentist will roll the gum tissue backwards and extract the bacteria. A regenerative material, like a membrane, graft tissue, or tissue-stimulating protein, will be introduced to assistyour body to regenerate bone and tissue in that particular location naturally. After the regenerative tissue has been safely positioned, the gum tissue is putback to cover the root of the tooth.

Soft tissue graft: There are variouskinds of gum tissue graft operations, but themost appliedone is theconnective tissue graft. Whencarrying out this surgical operation, a portion of skin is slicedoff at the upper part of your mouth (palate) and tissue from underneath the portionof skin, called subepithelial connective tissue, is extracted and then sewed to the gum tissue around the revealed root. After the connective tissue or graft has been successfullyextracted from underneath the portion of skin, the skin is stitched back inreturn. In the course of a different kind of graft, called free gingival graft, the tissue is collectedstraight from the roof of the mouth other than underneath the skin. Insome cases, if you possesssufficientgum tissue around the affected teeth, the dentist is capable of graft gum from around the tooth and not extract tissue from the palate. This is known as a pedicle graft.

Your dentist can as well recommend a suitable type of operation for you depending on what you need.Endeavour to contact the Harley Street Dentist located in Harley Street, Londonand we’ll assist in taking care of your oral health. Wealso offer free consultations to discuss the proper treatment for you. Call us on 020 71830903 to book an appointment.

How Can I Prevent Gum Recession?

The most effective method of preventing gum recession is to take propercare of your mouth. Brush and floss your teeth ona daily basis and schedule a regular appointment with your dentist or periodontist at least twice annually or as advised by your dental team. If you areexperiencing gum recession, endeavour to see your dentist regularlyfor a checkup. Always ensure you use a soft-bristled toothbrush and demandguidelines fromyour dentist on the right way to brush your teeth. If a misaligned bite or teeth crunching is thelikely cause of your gum recession, meet your dentist to direct you on how to handle the problem. Below is a list of ways to protect against gum recession:

  • Reducethe habit of smoking.
  • Maintain a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Try to notice changes that may happen in your mouth.
  • By maintaining good oral health, your facial looks will remain beautiful.

Whenever you need help with your oral health, do not hesitate to contact the Harley Street Dentist located in Harley Street, London, or you can call us on 020 71830903, and we’ll make sure that you get a suitable treatment to ensure you live a healthy life.

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