Teeth Contouring

Teeth Contouring

A beautiful smile can only be gotten when the teeth are white and well-aligned. However, there are many factors available that can prevent a smile from appearing as beautiful as it should have been. These factors include having broken or cracked teeth, slight overlaps, uneven wear, pointiness or even a tooth whose shape or size is different from the others or pits out on the surface.

Though these factors work against the beauty of your smile, it is still possible to get a beautiful smile with teeth contouring.

The Harley Street Dentist provides so many cosmetic dentistry services, and we have a dental team which is made up of many professionals who have gathered a lot of experiences relating to the contouring of the teeth.

You can always call on us when you need contouring on either one or a number of your gorgeous teeth. We will dedicate our time and resources to getting you that awesome smile you have always wished you had.

Call us on 02071830903 to book an appointment today.

What is The Need for Teeth Contouring?

The main reason teeth contouring are performed is to help teeth that have either been damaged or misshaped compared to the others — it helps to gain a new and more desirable shape. The dental contouring is one of the cosmetic procedures carried out on the teeth in the upper jaw which are most visible when you smile. These teeth include the lateral, central and canine teeth.

Though teeth contouring is carried out to improve the aesthetics of your smile, it can also be done to help you achieve better oral hygiene. This is mostly noticed for teeth which overlapped; they will be easier to clean after undergoing the teeth contouring procedure. This, in turn, will help you keep your mouth free from gum disease and tooth decay.

There are some cases where teeth contouring is not usually the most desired treatment option. This is because these cases have some underlying issues which need to be treated first. These issues may include an alignment problem or tooth decay. You will have your dentist discuss all the details with you and guide you through choosing the treatment option which suits you most.

You can always trust the Harley Street Dentist for the contouring of your teeth or other cosmetic dentistry services. Contact us today on 02071830903, and you will be glad you did.

How Does Teeth Contouring Work?

When you have made up your mind to go for teeth contouring, you may have to visit your dentist for two or three times before the process is completed.

At the first visit, your Harley Street dentist will discuss the available treatment options for you. After these, he will examine your teeth to diagnose any problem and ensure that what your teeth need is contouring. This examination of your teeth may involve them getting x-rayed.

During the second visit, the contouring process will begin. Your dentist will use some tools like a drill and polishing equipment to get the job done. They are usually used by the dentist to carve out small amounts of the teeth carefully so that they may have a more desirable shape. This process does not require the use of anaesthetic because pains will not be felt.

This process usually takes about 30 minutes or an hour. However, the session for reshaping the teeth depends solely on the amount of work to be carried out.

The third visit is usually fixed by the dentist for follow-up. During this visit, your dentist will examine your teeth and then give finishing touches to make the work look perfect. This will also be an opportunity for you to ask your dentist any question you have in mind.

What is The Cost of Teeth Contouring?

From a rough estimate gotten from some dental clinics, teeth countering will cost about £150 to £300 per tooth. If you have several teeth to undergo the process, you will be offered a discount to your bill lesser.

Contouring your teeth is a relatively cheap treatment, and its result can dramatically improve your smiles in ways you may never imagine.

Contact The Harley Street Dentist for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Services

If you have any questions about the potency of teeth contouring or your eligibility for it, send an email to [email protected], and we will reply within the shortest possible time. You can also call us on 02071830903 to book an appointment or make enquiries.

We are located in Harley Street and can provide you with a serene and relaxing environment where you will feel comfortable to receive your treatment. We offer a wide range of dental services, and our results will make you happy for trusting us.

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