

An overbite is a common dental condition; where the upper teeth are positioned over the lower teeth, therefore causing a gap between the top and bottom teeth at the front of the mouth. This gap can result in serious overbite problems, but your dentist can correct them — braces or a surgical operation are the available options used in fixing this overbite teeth problem.

What Is An Overbite?

An overbite is medically defined to be an overlap, either vertically or horizontally, existing between the top and bottom front teeth.

An overjet is a second name for a horizontal overbite. This overjet occurs when the upper teeth run over your lower front teeth — some people might call it buck teeth, especially if it the overlap is visible or pronounced. In a typical overjet, a vertical gap is present between the top and bottom teeth, meaning the overbite occurs along with an open bite.

A vertical overlap measuring 2-4mm is considered normal; in this case, nearly 30% of the lower teeth usually are covered. When the overlap grows to 4-6mm or more, the overlap is called a deep bite. If you have a severe bite, probably, your upper teeth have completely covered all your lower teeth, and the latter could also be digging into your lower gum.

You can also have an overbite that is horizontal and both vertical at the same time. In such a case, your upper teeth will run over your lower teeth at the front of your mouth and also hang too far down to over your lower teeth.

What Could Cause An Overbite?

There are various reasons for an overbite; the most common ones include:

  • Genetics
  • A jaw that fails to form properly during the foetal stage
  • Continuous thumb sucking as a child
  • Overuse of a feeding bottle or dummy as a baby
  • Tongue thrusting
  • Nail-biting
  • Chewing continuously on objects like pencils and pens

What Are The Types Of Overbite?

An overbite exists in two common forms, being a skeletal overbite and a dental overbite. Irregularities formed during the development of the jawbone are the principal causes of a skeletal overbite. For the dental kind, they are caused by dental problems associated with the development of baby or adult teeth. Examples could be overcrowding, or when pressure is put on the teeth, usually from thumb sucking.

Difference between an overbite and underbite

An overbite is caused by your upper jaw protruding over your lower teeth. Underbites, on the other hand, are caused when your upper teeth sit behind your lower teeth. This condition is also called prognathism and is treated differently from an overbite. If you need to learn more about underbite.

Is an overbite harmful?

An overbite can cause a range of problems, and this makes it essential to have the gap treated as soon as possible. Some of these overbite problems include:

  • Poor dental hygiene
  • Quick wear and weakening of your teeth
  • Facial pain
  • Trouble speaking properly, i.e. speech problems
  • Poor face structure

For children, the sooner the treatment for overbite is undertaken to correct the problem, the better the results usually are — the developed jawbones and tooth roots in adults make the condition challenging to treat.

Some individuals are put off by the costs and the treatment process of an overbite, which usually involves surgery or being fitted with long-term braces to correct the overbite. But while it might take some time and money to undergo this treatment, the benefits of correcting the misaligned teeth outweighs all temporary discomfort you might experience during the procedure.

How is an overbite corrected?

An overbite is normal if the gap falls between 2 – 4mm, meaning there is no need for correction, or worrying about your upper teeth covering your lower teeth. However, if the gap is more significant, you should make an appointment with your dentist to have it corrected. Depending on the severity of your problem, your dentist might recommend a range of different treatments that is most suitable for you.

Overbite braces

Braces are a popular and effective way of correcting an overbite. Treating an overbite with a brace can take between 1-2 years, and when a retainer fitting properly follows the treatment, the results are not only great but can also be life long.

Clear braces are a more modern option to traditional metal braces and are almost invisible so that other people will not easily notice them.

During your consultation with your dentist, do ensure you discuss all of the side effects and benefits of getting a brace with your dentist. Also, ask your dentist to explain any concerns you might have — ask for before, and after pictures of an overbite brace treatment, so you understand the procedure better and become more motivated over whatever short-term discomfort you may feel.

Invisalign for overbite

Invisalign braces are one of the less noticeable clear aligner braces. These braces are almost invisible and effective for treating mild and severe overbites. Invisalign braces are removable, so they can be taken off to eat or attend a special event. When fitted, these braces correct your overbite, by applying slight pressure against your teeth, therefore, moving them into better positions. Patients are recommended to switch their old aligners for new sets every 2 weeks during the treatment.

Invisalign aligner braces are a popular choice if you want an invisible set of aligners, or seek the flexibility of taking off your braces for an event and putting them back on after. Correction with clear aligners like Invisalign, can also correct your overbite quicker and much more effectively than a traditional metal brace.

You can make an appointment with the Harley Street Dentist and take a free smile assessment to discover if you are suitable for an Invisalign overbite correction — you can also get our dental guide to learn more about Invisalign braces, or you can schedule an appointment by calling us on 02071830903 today.

Overbite Surgery

Correction of a skeletal overbite requires jaw surgery. This surgery is also medically called orthognathic surgery. One skeletal issue that could cause an overbite is the abnormal development of the lower jaw — jaw surgery can correct this and improve the overall shape. A change in your facial appearance is absolute after undergoing this procedure.

An overbite surgery usually will involve any or all of the treatment below:

  • Removal of some teeth
  • Repositioning of your jaw
  • Inserting of screws into your jaw
  • Addition of plates around your jaw

You can be sure that no scar will be visible outside your mouth after this treatment — all the work involved in the surgical process will be carried out inside your mouth. However, you might be requested to stay overnight in the hospital after an overbite surgery and take a break from work or school — any strenuous activity for about 2-4 weeks. Further orthodontic work will be required after the surgery to guide the correction of the misaligned teeth.

Retainer for overbite treatment

Correction of an overbite with a removable dental retainer works similarly to an overbite brace treatment. The retainer, when fitted slowly sets your teeth into proper alignment. Discuss the option of an overbite retainer with your dentist. Wearing a retainer is essential to hold your teeth in its new position, and keep it from slipping back into its old place.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can one get rid of an overbite?

Most overbite treatments are uncomplicated, and can easily be carried out by an experienced dentist or orthodontist. Some of the treatments for overbite include:

  • Fitting an overbite brace
  • Jaw surgery
  • Use of a retainer

Does Invisalign fix deep bites?

Mild cases of overbites can be corrected with an Invisalign brace. These braces are more expensive than the traditional metal braces, but its treatment is quicker. Invisalign braces are clear aligner braces, meaning they are almost invisible to most people.

Can I Fix An Overbite Naturally?

There is no natural correction for an overbite, although some of it can be avoided by preventing thumb sucking, pencil chewing, and the overuse of dummies in babies. The common treatment options are surgery, overbite braces and retainers.

What is a normal overbite?

When your upper front teeth protrude or overhangs your lower teeth by 2- 4mm, the overbite is considered to be normal. However, overbite cases of more than 4mm are deep, and correction is recommended to realign the teeth.


A deep or severe overbite might cause you to be overly worried about your appearance, and it could also be painful, especially where the protruding upper teeth press into your lower jaw. An overbite can cause excessive pressure to be put against your nerves and blood supply, causing you jaw pains and headaches. Your teeth might also wear down faster as the overbite puts more strain on them.

After treatment, you might find a change in your facial appearance — this is usually because your lower jaw drew further forward to correct your overbite to a normal bite. Whatever change you notice will be slight, and by the time is correction is done, whatever pain or discomfort you experienced earlier should be gone.

Do contact the Harley Street Dentist if you need to have your overbite fixed. Visit us at Harley Street, London or call 020 71830903 to book an appointment

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