Mouth ulcers are excruciating that are formed inside the mouth — They can be either red or yellow. These sores are separate from cold sores, which builds on the outer lips, as a result of a virus.
In most cases a single mouth ulcer happens as a result of a wound caused by biting the cheek or tongue, or by the presence of sharp teeth, brushing very hard or loose dentures. These ulcers are also known as ‘traumatic’ ulcers. If you possess numerous mouth ulcers, and it continues recurring — they are called ‘recurrent aphthous stomatitis.’
Traumatic ulcers, in most cases, appear on its own, close to the origin of the mouth damage and disappear immediately after the problem is eliminated or treated.
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is a well-known mouth problem — it is the reappearing of mouth ulcers in most healthy children and young people. Causes of recurrent aphthous stomatitis are unknown, but it is not infectious and most likely cannot be passed on from one gene to another.
There are different types of recurrent mouth ulcer. However, minor ulcers are the most rampant — They are usually formed inside the cheeks, on the lips, tongue, gums and in some cases, on the upper part of the mouth. Most of these ulcers take the shape of the top of a pencil and in some instances appear in groups — You can find as many as four or five appearing at once.
Large ulcers are most troublesome and require a long period to cure. Your dentist or endodontist should cross-examine any ulcer that has stayed three weeks or more. Large ulcers can form close to the tonsils and can cause you severe pains, especially when you swallow food — permitting only one at a time.
It is also very likely to develop up to 100 tiny severe ulcers staying for as long as 1 – 2weeks although such an instance does not occur often.
It is advisable to visit a dentist whenever you encounter a mouth ulcer problem. Get in touch with the Harley Street Dentist located on Harley Street, London, or you can place a call to us on 02071830903 to book an appointment
Infections are one of the most likely causes of mouth ulcers. Herpes simplex, in some cases, brings about mouth ulcers seen in children and some adults. Other uncommon causes include viral and bacterial infections, but this rarely occurs among individuals.
Mouth ulcers can also occur due to anaemia and in some cases by other blood disorders, and in other cases, it can occur due to skin or gastrointestinal disease. In some instances, mouth ulcers are a reflection of a health condition that is about to manifest.
Early stages of mouth cancer can appear as a mouth ulcer. The ulcers which happen as a result of mouth cancer, appear as one and stay for a long period without any known cause. Your dentist should check any ulcer that stays for more than 3 weeks. Ulcers that occur as a result of cancer usually forms on top or beneath the tongue, but it can sometimes build elsewhere in another part of the mouth. Cancer of the mouth is mostly associated with constant smoking and drinking —engaging in both complicates the situation.
No! Mouth ulcers cannot be transmitted from one person to another — kissing or by sharing of drinks and utensils does not bear any chance of this ulcer passing off to another.
The different type of treatment one needs to undergo depends mainly on how the ulcer originated. In some cases, all that you require is for a sharp tooth to be filed, or a denture fitted adequately. However, some people may need a tablet or mouth cleaning solution.
If an ulcer has stayed for more than 3 weeks, you should see your dentist — they are in a suitable position to inform you about what is wrong and recommend an effective treatment for you, or they might carry out additional tests or refer you to an endodontist if need be.
You can be able to limit contracting mouth ulcers by:
Most mouth ulcers heal by itself. However, if after 3weeks, the mouth ulcers have not disappeared, please contact your dentist. Your dentist will carry out different tests on your mouth to make sure that what you are experiencing is mouth ulcer and not a more complex issue like mouth cancer. If you continue to develop recurring ulcers, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist to make sure that there is no underlying medical issue.
Endeavour to visit your dentist if you experience any of the following:
If you need any assistance regarding your overall dental health, do not hesitate to get in touch with the Harley Street Dentist located on Harley Street, London, or you can call us on 02071830903 to book an appointment today.
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