One condition that is associated with the teeth is the impacted teeth condition. The impacted teeth can be very painful and cause a lot of damages if not properly treated. Harley Street Dentist has got you covered with all you need to know about Impacted teeth — symptoms, causes, treatment, complication.
Read on to find out more about Impacted teeth.
There is a common tooth condition where the tooth is blocked from breaking through the gum — this condition is known as impacted teeth condition. Sometimes, impacted teeth are rarely observed by the person that has it, and are only discovered during a dental check-up or a routine x-ray. However, there are times when the symptoms of an impacted tooth are visible to a person.
A tooth may be partially or fully impacted. When it is partially impacted, the tooth may have begun to break through the gum.
Keep on reading as we will show you more and you will also get to learn a lot about the symptoms.
As stated earlier, sometimes, the symptoms of impacted teeth are not visible. However, in cases where they are visible, some of the damages an impacted tooth may cause include;
These symptoms do not have a fixed duration and may appear and disappear over weeks or months.
If you ever notice any of the following symptoms, do not hesitate to reach out to our dentist at The Harley Street Dentist for a dental checkup.
Generally, the tooth becomes impacted when there is little or no space for it to grow in the mouth. This can be due to genetics, or it can be due to orthodontic treatments.
Impacted teeth are more common among a particular set of teeth in the mouth, and these are the wisdom teeth. The wisdom teeth are usually the last set to grow in the mouth usually between the ages of 17 and 21. By the time the wisdom teeth are ready to grow, the jaw must have stopped growing to be able to expand and accommodate the wisdom teeth. This is where impacted teeth usually set in. In a situation where the wisdom teeth are going to cause a problem, they are often removed from the person’s mouth. Also, people with smaller jaws are more likely to have impacted teeth than those with wider jaws.
Another set of teeth that may be affected are the maxillary canines. These are also called cuspid or upper eyeteeth. They are usually the longest tooth in the mouth, and they can be located in the upper jaw, just behind the front teeth. These set of teeth have a vital role to play in the mouth, and due to this, the dentist is likely to encourage the teeth to erupt instead of getting them removed.
Once you begin to observe any of the symptoms of impacted teeth listed above, do your best to see your dentist as soon as you can. The earlier you get to deal with impacted teeth, the better for you. The dentists can perform an X-ray on you that will determine if your symptoms are truly caused by an impacted tooth, or if it is a different case. If an impacted tooth is found, the risks and benefits can then be discussed, and treatments arranged.
Some of the treatment options for impacted teeth include;
IF you are in search of a suitable treatment option for your impacted teeth, do not hesitate to reach out to our Harley street dentist by calling 02071830903.
If not removed, impacted teeth could lead to severe complications. Some of the likely complications associated with impacted teeth include;
If your impacted teeth cause you pain, there are some over-the-counter relief drugs you can take to help relieve them temporarily. Aspirin is a useful pain-relieving medication and can be used to reduce mild and moderated pain in the teeth. However, children less than 18 should not be given aspirin as it can heighten the risk of them getting the Reye’s condition. Another relief substance for impacted tooth pain is ice. Ice can help reduce inflammation in the gum. There are other home remedies you can also try, like tea bags and saltwater rinse.
However, pain relief drugs should only be taken for temporary relief of pain. If your impacted tooth causes pain, then you should see your dentist to find a solution to it. There are also some drugs that the dentist can prescribe for you if you have a painful impacted tooth. Whatever the case might be, do talk to a professional dentist about your tooth condition to prevent further damages.
As stated earlier, impacted teeth are not always a problem. With regular dental check-up, your dentist can tell you if the impacted teeth will cause a problem or not. Try to regularly see your dentist if you notice symptoms of impacted teeth.
If you are out for advice from an expert dentist or you need someone who can help you choose a suitable treatment option for your impacted teeth, then reach out to us. The Harley Street dentist would be glad to help out and proffer an appropriate treatment option for you.
Call 02071830903 today, and our professional dentists would be glad to be of help to you.
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